Thursday 17 September 2015

Run A Faster 100 Meter Sprint

Aspiring sprinters have various ways to increase their speed and endurance over the 100 meter distance. Most of them involve different types of training methods but some are technical aspects of sprinting that are important if a sprinter is to have good form, which is crucial to developing speed. It is possible to be able to sprint faster for 100 meters, but it is not going to come without hard work and dedication.


1. Avoid overtraining. Do not train to be a faster sprinter more than 5 days a week, with 4 days being perhaps the best number of days to work on your sprinting. Before working out always warm up properly by stretching and short runs. If you are a member of a track team or aspire to be on one, go to your coaches and have them give you warm-up and stretching exercises that you can use before working out.

2. Run downhill and uphill. When you run downhill it makes you lean in a forward direction, which is what track coaches stress in their sprinters. Run uphill to augment your explosiveness and leg strength. Find a suitable hill that you can safely work on this facet of sprinting on. Jog uphill and downhill to warm up and then sprint in both directions four or five times, going no further than 200 meters.

3. Enhance your starting ability out of the sprinter's block by sprinting in shorter bursts and then slowing down to a jog before sprinting again. Sprint anywhere from 20 to 40 yards at a time at top speed and then jog the same distance. Repeat this drill for about a quarter of a mile. It can make you a quicker starter, which will take time off your 100 meter sprint. Once this becomes easy then increase the distance you sprint, but sprint no further than the full quarter mile.

4. Lift weights to add to your overall strength. Both the lower and upper body need to be strong to sprint fast. Doing curls, leg extensions and squats can build up the leg muscles, which in turn can amplify your sprinting speed. Likewise, working on your upper body can give you the added strength you desire to be able to pump your arms faster, which is crucial to improving speed on the track.

5. Concentrate on your sprinting form. While sprinting pump your arms forward and keep them going straight. Lean forward a bit but try to keep your neck and your hands relaxed. Run with your chin down and be sure to breathe. Find a comfortable way to breathe as you exert yourself sprinting so you don't have to think about that factor of running.

Tags: your sprinting, forward keep, further than, pump your, pump your arms, quarter mile