Wednesday 9 December 2015

Shred The Fat And Get A Crazy Sixpack

Obtaining a six pack requires hard work and dedication.

Tight abdominal muscles are something most men and even some women dream about. However, obtaining a six-pack is no easy task. It requires a lot of hard work and dedication. But with the proper nutrition, cardiovascular work, and abdominal weight training you can achieve washboard abs if you are committed.


1. Eat five to six small meals a day. Doing so will boost your metabolism all day long, giving you the needed energy to exercise and will help you from overeating.

2. Perform abdominal exercises two to three times a week. Effective exercises to try include reverse crunches, traditional crunches, bent-elbow plank, and the bicycle.

3. Execute each type of exercise until the point of momentary muscular failure. This is considered one set. Rest for 30 to 60 seconds in between sets. The more you perform these exercises, the faster you will be on your way to achieving your abdominal goal.

4. Concentrate on performing each exercise slowly with good form. Work up to completing two to three sets of each exercise.

5. Lift arm weights. It will help work your stomach muscles and makes not only your arms tone but your stomach muscles, too.

6. Go walking or jogging whenever possible. This will help shed body fat and it's an effective cardio exercise as well.

7. Consider working with a personal trainer to help keep you motivated and reach your goal. It's easy to fall off the wagon and give up when you don't see results right away.

Tags: will help, your stomach muscles, each exercise, hard work, hard work dedication, requires hard, requires hard work