Thursday 10 December 2015

Open An Hd Radio Station

HD technology produces a crystal-clear sound for radio broadcasting.

If your heart is in the radio business, your future entrepreneurial endeavors will be in HD. HD Radio competes with traditional FM radio in sound quality and efficiency in technology. FM radio is subject to interference problems, such as buildings and even your body, which cause static and degrade the sound quality. HD Radio's digital signal does not reflect off any obstructions. Initial start-up costs are high, yet the potential in this business model is unlimited. More information can be compressed into an HD signal than traditional radio, by broadcasting up to three stations. The challenge of embarking on this adventure requires planning and persistence.


1. Get your finances in order before you begin your radio career. Write a business plan that details your goals for the station and why it will be profitable. Submit it to private investors, angel investors and banks that may help with funding.

2. Buy an existing radio station already licensed for broadcasting. Be warned that the Federal Communications Commission states that it is backed up with requests for new licenses, and it could be years before you get approval. Complete FCC application process form 314 to get your purchase approved. (See Reference 3)

3. File all documents electronically with the FCC. Summit a letter of consummation and FCC form 323 after the sale is finalized.

4. Convert the radio station to the digital format. Buy equipment like HD transmitters, audio consoles manufactured since the 1990s, microphone processors, digital audio delivery systems and editing programs, such as Adobe Edition. (See Reference 1, pages 20-31)

5. Choose a format for the station, such as talk radio, all music or mix-and-match formats to provide a unique listening experience.

6. Choose a name for your station. Pick words that reference the type of format you have chosen, such as "SpeakOut" for a talk radio station. Create a slogan. Focus the slogan on the mission of your radio station. For example, for the SpeakOut talk radio station, you could use "Say what you feel."

7. Find licenses for music on ASCAP so that you can purchase the rights to play the music of your choice.

8. Hire talented DJs, producers, engineers and crew to ensure the station runs smoothly. Hire administrative personnel such as an operations manager, program director, chief engineer and advertising sales professionals to sell ads on your shows.

9. Advertise to your niche market. Buy ads on other radio stations with similar target markets.

Tags: radio station, talk radio, radio broadcasting, radio station, sound quality