Friday 23 January 2015

Run A Successful Fundraiser

A fundraiser is a great way to bring in the money your organization needs.

If your group, charity or organization is in need of money, a fundraiser may be the way to go. Using one of many different types of fundraiser, you may be able to collect the money you need, and more. Take heed, though -- holding a fundraiser is not a simple task. Much planning and hard work go into a successful fundraiser, and it takes many people working together to get one off the ground. With hard work, however, your fundraiser can be a success.


1. Set a goal. Figure out how much money you need to raise and when you need it. Make sure your goal is realistic, but don't set the bar too low, either.

2. Decide what kind of fundraiser you want to have. There are several options available. You can sell items, such as sweets, jewelry, candles, magazines and more. You can also offer services, such as washing cars or mowing lawns. You also have the option of holding a fundraiser where people give money to see you work for a cause, such as a walk-a-thon or swim-a-thon. Some successful fundraisers simply involve putting on an event, such as a party or dinner, that is sure to be a good time and asking people to pay to take part.

3. Find volunteers. Ask members of your group or organization to get involved. If those members are children, ask their parents or guardians. If you have a charity, reach out to people who believe in your cause. The more volunteers you have, the more successful your fundraiser will likely be.

4. Get the word out. Hang up posters and pass out fliers to let people know about your fundraiser. make sure to mention what they money will go towards.

5. Utilize technology. Use email and social networking sites to reach to potential volunteers, as well as donors.

6. Provide incentives. Give your volunteers something to work towards, such as prizes for the highest amounts collected. If your fundraiser is for the purpose of making money for a purchase, that purchase may be all the motivation you need.

Tags: your fundraiser, hard work, holding fundraiser, money need, your group