Tuesday 27 January 2015

Run With Water Bottles

Runners avoid dehydration by carrying water bottles.

Running creates a thirst in almost any climate. Runners find it necessary to bring water or sports drinks in some type of water bottle carrier, specially made running water bottle or a water bottle belt. Running water bottles are designed for carrying in different ways to accommodate the runner in consideration of the distances covered. Joggers who run less than two miles may be able to carry a plastic half liter drinking water bottle over the short distance, but long distance runners need more liquid and an easy way to carry it.


1. Carry a common half liter water bottle by hand for short runs. Bring one bottle along and switch hands as you run to avoid stressing either arm.

2. Place bottles of water or sports drink into a designated water bottle carrier such as a fanny pack. Secure the pack around your waist with the bulk of the weight in front of you for running comfort.

3. Carry a specially designed running water bottle while you run. Running water bottles have straps that slip around the outside of your hands. These straps allow you to carry the bottle without constantly gripping it, which alleviates much of the stress of carrying a bottle.

4. Wear a water bottle belt while running. Put water or sports drinks into as many bottles as the belt will hold for long distance running. The weight of the bottles is distributed around your waist to make carrying the belt comfortable while running.

Tags: water bottle, water sports, around your, around your waist, bottle belt, bottle carrier, half liter