Wednesday 24 December 2014

Measure The Distance Of A Running Track

Whether you're training for running and need to know how far you've gone or setting the stage for a running competition, knowing the distance of a track is important. Most facilities with a track will know exactly how long the running track is. But if you've somehow stumbled upon a track with a mystery length or if you need to measure the length of specific lanes (remember that the inside lanes are always shorter than the outside lanes), there are a few tricks you can use to measure the track.


1. Place a piece of athletic tape across the track, perpendicular to the direction of travel, in one of the straightaway stretches.

2. Mark a big black dot on the tape, using a marker, 20 centimeters on the "out" side of each lane line. Start with the inside lane and work your way out if you're measuring every lane or, if you're just measuring one lane, mark that one only.

3. Line your measuring wheel up directly on top of the mark you made and zero the wheel out. Walk around the track, keeping the wheel a constant distance of 20 centimeters away from the inside lane line.

4. Read the distance walked off the measuring wheel once you arrive back at the mark on the top. This is the distance of the track in the particular lane you measured.

Tags: distance track, inside lane, lane line, measuring wheel, your measuring