Monday 29 December 2014

Recover From An Ironman

Soothe knee pains with an ice pack.

An Ironman triathlon is a lengthy endurance event consisting of 2.4-mile swim, 112-mile bicycling and a full marathon of 26.2 miles. Participating in the triathlon is a triumph in itself, but the positive effects or celebrations can be cut short due to muscle strains and other injuries. Post-race recovery is an important part of the triathlon that needs to be executed just as carefully as your pre-race training to maintain your strength and overall health and fitness.


1. Rest for at least six to eight weeks for full recovery. The length of recovery period varies for each athlete and depends on factors such as injuries, training intensity and nutritional intake. Completing a strenuous activity like the Ironman triathlon requires your body to work overtime to repair damaged and stressed muscles and joints. Rest during this time and refrain from any intense activity.

2. Nourish your body with healthy foods. Consume foods with extra protein to repair muscle fiber injuries and to regenerate muscle tissue. Protein-rich and carbohydrate foods include lean meats, low-fat milk, bread, raisin bran cereal, granola, bananas, orange juice and broccoli. After a long marathon run, your body will need sufficient hydration, carbohydrates and recovery nutrition. Avoid simple sugars and fatty food items. Limit alcohol intake and excessive sweets.

3. Relax your aches and sores by implementing simple treatments like mild massages, compression, icing and elevation. Icing soothes strained muscles while preventing swelling. Use bandage wraps for compression around the swollen area. If joint and muscle pains continue, consult your health care provider immediately.

4. Maintain fitness by engaging in simple and low intensity workouts like swimming, water running, elliptical trainer and yoga. Low impact workouts allow your body to stay fit without putting additional stress on your body. High-impact workouts like running can cause more pain and slow down muscle recovery.

Tags: your body, Ironman triathlon, workouts like