Thursday 19 February 2015

Reduce Feet Friction When Running

In running, friction kills feet. Rubbing and braying at those valuable limbs can really cost a runner. Imagine running a 10k with a blister growing or a raw ankle. Every step becomes torture and the race seems unfinishable. That’s why it’s always smart to reduce as much friction as possible while running.


Reduce Feet Friction When Running

1. Perfect your running technique. A successful runner will have a fluid motion to their run. Arms, legs and body all swing like a well-oiled machine. This helps avoid clumsy missteps and bad angles which punish feet while on the track. Experiment with your style and find one that works for you.

2. Wear new socks designed specifically for running distances. Many people choose to wear standard athletic socks while running. While these will provide a certain level of protection, eventually they will wear away or flatten out in highly used areas of your foot and lead to unnecessary friction.

3. Purchase high-quality pair of running shoes. No other footwear is specifically designed to support the foot and reduce friction while running long distances like a pair of running shoes. Do not kid yourself by thinking that pair of basketball sneakers will do the trick; your feet will thank you later.

4. Select a running surface that is foot-friendly. Hard surfaces like concrete and cement have a bad reputation in running circles. The solid surfaces contribute to a great deal of pain and discomfort for runners. Choose something soft like a running track, gravel path or dirt. Your feet need some give when they land on the ground.

5. Maintain your foot hygiene. This means regularly trimming your toe nails and removing dead skin from the bottom of your feet. These often lead to unnecessary friction.

Tags: while running, Feet Friction, Feet Friction When, Friction When, Friction When Running, lead unnecessary, lead unnecessary friction