Friday 6 February 2015

Run Without Getting Tired

Run on a regular basis to get your body accustomed to the workouts.

Running is a relatively cheap way to stay in shape or lose weight and achieve an aerobic workout. Whether you decide to run for basic fitness or to train for a marathon, there are tips and tricks to apply that will help you run without getting exhausted early on. Your goal should be to increase the length of your run and your speed while keeping your stamina up.


1. Set small goals that you'll be able to easily reach, and build on them. If you're brand new to running, start off by running half of a mile or one mile. When you can do that easily enough, increase your goal by half a mile.

2. Wear the correct clothing. Dressing properly for running can make a huge difference in your comfort and even your performance. You don't want to wear old, worn out shoes that won't give you the proper support because they will eventually cause pain. Replace running shoes approximately every six months if you run on a regular basis. Also, wear light layers of clothing that won't weigh you down. Even if you're running in cold weather, you should wear a few layers of light clothing. Opt for breathable materials that are designed for exercise.

3. Work out regularly to keep your body conditioned. Run most days of the week, whether it's on a treadmill or outdoors. Make sure to warm up and cool down before and after every workout. Stretching before a workout will prevent injury and help you recuperate quickly so you can get back out there and run again.

4. Maintain your health. Your body won't be able to function -- or exercise -- properly if you don't get enough sleep, water and nutritious foods.

5. Breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth. This will help you to run for a longer period of time without losing your breath.

Tags: half mile, regular basis, through your, will help