Tuesday 3 February 2015

Reduce Muscle Cramps

Muscle craps can be very painful. Click to enlarge

Muscle cramps can be very painful and uncomfortable. How do you get rid of these painful moments? Is there a way to avoid having cramps? In this article I answer these questions.


1. Cramps occur when an already tight muscle suddenly gets involuntarily much tighter. These (normally) brief moments of pain only last for a few seconds or minutes, but the pain can last days! Most craps occur at the lower limbs.

2. There are many possible causes for cramps, but the most common are nutritional deficiencies and alcohol consumption and abuse. The minerals you need to get enough of are the alkaline minerals:


There are plenty of sodium sources. The most abundant ones are sea salt (buy non-fluorinated) and sodium bicarbonate. Sodium is abundant in most people's diets, so Sodium deficiency is probably not responsible for your cramps.


Potassium is a great mineral that performs many basic functions in your body. Most fruits and vegetables contain ample amounts of Potassium. Some fruits with high concentrations are avocados and bananas.


Calcium plays a key role in muscle function. Some good sources of calcium are: dark leafy greens, chia seeds and fortified orange juice. The supplement "calcium carbonate" is a great way to easily get all your calcium requirements. Calcium deficiency is pretty common.


Magnesium, like Calcium is key for muscle and bone function. Some great sources of magnesium are dark leafy greens, whole grains, fruits, chia seeds and beans.

Also, you should drink plenty of water. At least 1 liter of clean non-fluorinated water a day.


You already know alcohol is bad for you right? If you drink alcohol, this might be the current cause for your cramps. If you can't stop drinking, at least drink less. Thats all! For more health/nutrition related articles check out the resourses section.

Tags: chia seeds, dark leafy, dark leafy greens, function Some, leafy greens