Friday 21 August 2015

Mentally Prepare For A Speech

Mentally Prepare for a Speech

The thought of giving a speech terrifies a lot of people. If you prepare mentally, however, any speech you need to give can seem like a walk in the park. The trick to a successful speech is in the preparation. And if you are mentally ready to present the speech, it can be easy for you to deliver.


1. Research your material. Know it well. Even if your speech has numbers in it, try to have a good understanding of how the numbers relate to the subject.

2. Write down your topic sentence. Let it act as your thesis as well as your opening sentence. Prepare the entire speech around that one thought.

3. Prepare an outline of your speech. Go over the outline in your head enough times that you have the gist of it memorized. Gather any visual materials you need at this time and put them in order.

4. Re-write the opening sentence on a note card. On that same card, write key words and phrases from the outline. Highlight points where you need to use your visuals. Use this one card to deliver your speech.

5. Get a good night's sleep the night before the speech. Mentally wipe the upcoming speech from your mind and focus on other things for the night.

6. Enjoy a light meal before the speech. Even though you may think you're too nervous to eat, the energy from the food can be just the boost you need.

7. Go over the speech one last time. Step in front of your audience and take a deep breath. You are going to deliver a great speech because you are well prepared.

Tags: your speech, before speech, Mentally Prepare, Mentally Prepare Speech, opening sentence, outline your