Monday 10 August 2015

Remove Coliform Bacteria

Bacteria found in water sources can be troubling.

Bacterial growth in water is never a good sign. Whether the bacteria is harmless, like most coliform, or is harmful, like E. coli, it can be a sign that the source is contaminated. Though coliform are not typically harmful, there are cases in which it can result in illness, especially for those with lowered immune systems. As a result, treating the water and removing the bacteria is essential.


1. Add sunlight and UV rays to the water source. According to Penn State, UV light added to the source is widespread because it does not require the use of chemicals. It is not effective when the bacterial growths have reached high levels, like 1,000 colonies of bacteria to every 100 ml of water, but it can be used before the bacteria gets to that point.

2. Filter the water. A water filter can be purchased in home goods stores, grocery stores, pharmacies and stores like Walmart or Target. Water filters are designed to remove impurities from water.

3. Add the water to a pan and boil it. Boiled water kills bacteria before it can cause damage to the body. Boil the water before drinking and after filtering for the best possible results.

Tags: water water