Wednesday 12 August 2015

Prevent Exercise Induced Asthma And Exertion Induced Asthma

Millions of people live with asthma. There are different types of asthma and many situations that can trigger attacks. For some patients with asthma their symptoms become worse upon exertion, including exercise. In some cases, you may have asthma symptoms all the time which get worse with exertion. In other cases, you may only experience symptoms during or shortly after exerting yourself. While there is no cure for exercise induced asthma, there are steps you can take to help prevent and manage your symptoms.


1. Understand the triggers. Learn what makes your exercise and exertion induced asthma worse. Notice if symptoms, such as wheezing, coughing and chest pain or tightness occur during or up to 20 minutes after exertion. Pay attention to how weather affects your asthma. As much as possible avoid exposure to humidity, or cold or dry air if these conditions seem to trigger symptoms. Take time to understand what allergens make you worse. For some patients certain air pollutants or a high pollen count can set off an attack. Be careful about exercising around individuals with colds or respiratory tract infections. The first step in managing your exercise and exertion induced asthma, is to take precautions and avoid known triggers.

2. Use your medications. If you have exercise and exertion induced asthma, it may be helpful to use your inhaler prior to participating in exercise. According to the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology, the best medication is a short acting beta 2 agonist bronchodilator spray. When used 15 minutes prior to exertion, it has been shown to be effective in up to 90 percent of patients. This medication can last between four to six hours. It has also been shown helpful after the symptoms of exercise/exertion induced asthma start. There are other medications that can last for up to 12 hours for children who need to be active throughout the day.

3. Control known irritants. To help control your exercise and exertion induced asthma, do not exercise when you have a cold or respiratory infection. If you know you will be exposed to allergens that trigger your symptoms, talk to your doctor about taking allergy medication prior to exercise. You may also want to avoid exercising in cold weather if that tend to make you worse. Training in the water, when the weather does not cooperate can be helpful. The warm and moist atmosphere can help your lungs to relax, and will allow you to work out without triggering symptoms. Check into water aerobics and deep water running classes to supplement your outdoor training.

4. Learn yoga breathing. Take a yoga class and learn to breathe deeply. Exercise and exertion induced asthma symptoms can become worse if you breathe deeply through your mouth when exerting yourself. Your nasal cavity is better designed to process the air you inhale. Learning to breathe through your nose will help to keep your body more relaxed and calm your symptoms. As you inhale deeply and slowly through your nose, allow your abdomen to expand. Pretend you are filling your belly with air. Then slowly and deeply exhale through the nose as the abdomen relaxes. You are trying to empty the air from the belly. Make each breath as slow and deep as you can. If needed, you can exhale through pursed lips if your symptoms are acting up. Practice this breathing at times when you are not exercising, and when your symptoms are not as severe. As it becomes easier, incorporate this style of breathing whenever you are exercising, or feel your symptoms starting.

Tags: induced asthma, your symptoms, exercise exertion induced, exertion induced asthma, exercise exertion