Friday 27 March 2015

Run Faster Without Getting Too Tired

Running is a great way to get an aerobic workout and keep yourself healthy. Many people run for leisure while others run more competitively on track and cross country teams as well as 5Ks and marathons. If you are a runner who is planning to compete in a race or you are new to running, you may be interested in learning run faster without getting too tired. Doing so should help you increase your stamina as well as the length and speed that you can run.


1. Be realistic. If you are new to running you will likely have to start slow. Even if you participate in other types of aerobic exercises such as swimming or biking, your body will need time to condition itself to the new exercise. Give yourself small goals such as running a mile or even half of a mile if you are new to running. Work on accomplishing your small goals of length before addressing your speed.

2. Dress appropriately. Wearing old shoes and heavy clothing will affect your performance. You will want to purchase proper running shoes from a sporting goods store such as Sports Authority. Running shoes are specifically designed to absorb some of the impact as your feet hit the ground. You will need to replace your shoes every six months if you use them regularly to ensure that you are receiving optimal support. Additionally, improper clothing can slow you down if it is not comfortable or breathable. It can also cause you to overheat if you wear the wrong clothing for climate. Under Armor is a brand that has very breathable clothing designed to absorb sweat from your body, helping to keep you cool.

3. Train your body. You will not be able to run fast without getting tired overnight. You will have to condition your body by regularly working it out. You will want to run at least five days a week. Create goals for yourself and challenge yourself as you begin to condition your body. Raise the incline on the treadmill for instance. As you begin to improve in your ability, raise the speed on the treadmill and run at a faster speed for longer amounts of time.

4. Maintain a healthy lifestyle. You will want to eat a well-balanced diet. You will also want to make sure you stay hydrated before and during your run. Have a bottle of water on hand while you run. Get at least seven to eight hours of sleep each night to achieve your peak performance when running. If you are physically tired before you begin to run, you will certainly get tired faster.

Tags: your body, will want, body will, condition your, condition your body