Thursday 9 April 2015

Plan A Poker Run

A poker run is a fun way to earn money for a charitable cause. While there are many variations, typically a poker run involves participants collecting playing cards from specified locations. At the end of the run, the participant with the best poker hand wins the prize. Poker runs typically involve motorcyclists, but you can plan a poker run for cars, boats or other vehicles.


1. Choose a cause. Your organization may choose to donate 100 percent of the profits to your charity, or you may need to deduct expenses.

2. Set a date for the event. Allow plenty of time to plan and advertise. If your community has a big celebration weekend, consider holding it in conjunction with that event. Get as many participants as possible to sign up in advance. Collect money in advance as well.

3. Check into insurance and other legalities. This includes liability insurance for the properties where you're starting and stopping the ride.

4. Find sponsors. Locate someone to sponsor first-, second- and third-place prizes, plus whatever other prizes you decide you want.

5. Set rules for participation. Give each participant a copy. Make sure the officials know score poker hands. If you add other games along the way, have officials to judge those competitions as well.

6. Plan a route. Drive the route and time it. Allow extra time for stops and any games you plan along the way. Plan stops near convenience facilities so participants can take bathroom breaks and get coffee or soft drinks. Contact the owners of the convenience facilities to let them know of possible increased traffic.

7. Secure workers for the day of the poker run. It may be a long day for some of them, so plan relief for them. Letting them run games at their outpost helps to add fun to the activity for them as well.

Tags: convenience facilities, well Plan