Thursday 30 April 2015

Raise Funds To Make A Documentary Film

Raise Funds to Make a Documentary Film

Documentary film makers don't usually have big studios behind them to pay for production of their films or even housing and food while they work. These films are often made on a tight budget and pitched to distributors when they're done. Read on for a few tips for finding the money you need to get your film done and still have a roof over your head.


1. Create a collection on the Fundable website. Provide a brief description of your project and enter the amount of money you want to raise. If people like your idea, they can pledge to give you a donation. It's a free and easy way to let others know that you need money, though Fundable does charge a distribution fee if you meet your collection requirements.

2. Devise a viable distribution plan and budget to show investors. This will make them more comfortable about giving you money.

3. Apply for grants from places like the MacArthur Foundation and the Sundance Institute if you think your project would interest them. The MacArthur Foundation has specific guidelines for submitting applications; so be sure to check out their website.

4. Attend a film market. These usually run alongside film festivals and are a good opportunity for you to pitch your project to editors who can air it and pay for it.

5. Save up and pay for the project yourself. It's common for documentary filmmakers to hold separate jobs while completing their films. Keep your overhead low, and find college students to shoot or edit your film for free.

Tags: your project, Funds Make, Funds Make Documentary, MacArthur Foundation, Make Documentary, Make Documentary Film