Tuesday 28 April 2015

Prevent Stiff Joints

Do you ever wake up with stiff joints? Have you been diagnosed with arthritis? Well listen up because I have something to tell you that will change all that. I am 49 years young and I used to complain about soreness and stiff joints especially during cold spells. I talked to my doctor and he wanted to put me on prescription drugs for early onset arthritis but after reading all the side effects I was very leery of this treatment. So, I started my research. I tried herbs and vitamins and rubs and heat etc...Then I was talking to an elderly lady that gets around like she's in her 20's and ask her "How do you stay so healthy?" Her answer "Gin Soaked Raisins" She is 72 years old and has used this method for over 20 years. That was a selling point for me. After 4 months, I am a believer. No more stiff joints! It works.


1. Pour 1 box white raisins in a glass bowl or pie plate.

2. Pour enough gin over the raisins just to cover them. I buy the cheapest gin available.($4.00 per pint)

3. Cover with a glass lid or saran wrap and let them soak for 3 days or until raisins have soaked up all the gin.

4. Put the raisins in a pint jar with a lid. I use one of my canning jars.

5. Every morning eat at least 10 raisins. I don't count them I just grab a few and eat them.

(Note) For the 1st month do this twice daily.

Don't worry about the alcohol, even if you ate the whole jar you would only be consuming about a TBSP of alcohol. 10 raisins is just a few drops.

They taste wonderful! Like candy!

Tags: raisins just, stiff joints