Wednesday 21 October 2015

Remove Urine Stains From Concrete

Dogs are a common cause of urine stains.

Concrete is a porous material, which will absorb liquids such as urine. Even after you have removed the urine, a stain will remain and the odor may linger for weeks and months after the initial accident. Trying to remove the urine stain from concrete is a difficult task and not always possible. However, that does not mean you should not try removing it. At the very least, you will remove the odor and -- if the urine is from a pet -- prevent resoiling to the area. Does this Spark an idea?


1. Blot fresh urine off the concrete with several paper towels. Discard the paper towels when they become soiled. Continue blotting with clean paper towels until you can no longer absorb any urine.

2. Fill a bucket with 2 parts white vinegar and 1-part water. Saturate a scrub brush in the mixture and scrub the concrete thoroughly. Vinegar is naturally acidic and will remove odors and neutralize the urine. Rinse the concrete clean with a water hose.

3. Pour an enzyme cleaner -- designed for pet urine -- directly on the stain until the concrete is thoroughly saturated. Cover the enzyme cleaner with a plastic tarp to keep it from evaporating. Let the cleaner dry completely on the concrete for at least several hours, but preferably overnight.

4. Apply a concrete sealer over the entire area after the concrete is dry. The sealer will keep moisture from seeping into the concrete and releasing any trapped urine odor in the pores.

Tags: paper towels, concrete sealer, concrete thoroughly, enzyme cleaner, urine stain