Thursday 29 October 2015

Run With Someone Who Is Not Your Pace

Run with Someone Who is Not Your Pace

So you've got some new friends. And apparently they run. And hey, you run! So it should be only natural that everyone should meet up for a nice 5-miler. "We'll run, we'll talk, we'll sweat. It will be great!" And then you hit the trail and realize that her jogging is your sprinting and his fartlek is your warm-up. Must you resign yourselves to running apart? Not necessarily.


Run with Someone Slower than You

1. Before the run make it clear that you want to run with the other person to spend time with her (not to push her or make her feel slow) and that you are planning to follow her lead.

2. Pick a day that is scheduled as an easy or recovery run. Have a faster run already planned that week so you know you will get a tougher workout in.

3. Pay attention to the slower runner's pace and rhythm. It's easy to lose yourself and speed up without realizing it. Be actively aware of his breathing and cadence.

4. If your friend starts giving winded, one-word answers to your questions, take over the conversational reins and do most of the talking for a while.

5. Remember that slow running can be good for you. It's a great opportunity to focus on proper running form. And time on your feet counts, no matter the pace.

6. Settle in and relax. Enjoy running a different pace and changing up your routine. Relish the scenery and the conversation.

Run with Someone Faster than You

7. Meet her when she is a few miles into her regular run.

8. Keep him talking by asking open-ended questions.

9. Do a loop within a loop. For example, you both start at the same time and the slower runner turns at the 3-mile loop. The faster runner continues on to the 4-mile loops and then tries to catch up before his buddy finishes.

10. Make sure you know the way home in case you get dropped!

11. Start together, then agree to meet up for stretching or coffee afterward.

12. Ask your fast buddy to run ahead, then double-back for a cool down. Finish up the run together.

13. Try to enjoy the atmosphere and scenery. Everything is not a competition.

Tags: with Someone, slower runner, Someone Your, Someone Your Pace, Your Pace