Monday 9 November 2015

Prepare For Labor

Prepare for Labor

Millions of women have gone through labor successfully (some more than once), and so will you. Here are some tips to help you get ready for the big day.


1. Pack your bag for the hospital at least a week before your due date. Include comfortable clothes, a robe, a toothbrush, your phone book and some lipstick. Pack the camera if photos are in the plan.

2. Carry the phone numbers of your hospital and health care provider with you starting two weeks before you are due.

3. If you are planning a home birth, double-check your supplies, and confirm with your midwife.

4. Drink as much water as possible in the last few weeks.

5. Have your birth plan ready. (See Related eHows.)

6. Write out a list of people your partner should call after the birth.

7. Finalize the baby names you like for both sexes.

8. Purchase or borrow an infant car seat.

9. Make sure you have supplies ready for coming home: newborn diapers, alcohol swabs, blankets and bottles if necessary.

Tags: Prepare Labor, your hospital