Monday 16 November 2015

Run With A Torn Disc

Your running days don't have to be over after an injury.

A torn, or ruptured, disc is actually a type of injury that occurs in your back. Even though this particular injury is not in your legs, it will still inhibit your ability to run, especially if you're used to running long distances. The torn disc will always need time to heal, which requires a break from physical activity. Follow the advice of your physician. However, a torn disc will really never completely heal, and meanwhile, you will likely want to get back to running. Running after a torn disc injury can be tough, but not impossible.


1. Start by walking short distances on the treadmill, such as 1 to 2 miles. The treadmill will be an easier surface to begin with after a disc injury.

2. Keep the treadmill flat. The incline can aggravate your injury. This is one reason why you want to wait to go outdoors.

3. Add running to your treadmill routines. Walk for 2 minutes and then run for 2 minutes for a few miles.

4. Continue to increase the amount of time you spend running, rather than walking, on the treadmill, as well as increasing the mileage.

5. Incorporate outside training. Once you can run several miles on the treadmill, you can move your workout outdoors. However, you may want to continue to walk up large hills to avoid aggravating your injury.

Tags: disc injury, disc will, miles treadmill, torn disc, torn disc will