Friday 5 September 2014

Practice Deepwater Running

Water workouts are a great addition to a running program. They're useful for rehabilitation from injury, for the fit runner who wants to intensify fitness, or for the beginner, who may need to ease into running on land.


1. Buy a flotation device. A belt is most helpful, and can be purchased through swimming-gear distributors or in specialty or sporting-goods stores.

2. Start by standing in shallow water and swinging your arms in a running motion. High-step with your feet, moving your way down to deeper water until your feet can no longer touch the bottom.

3. Start by running for 5 minutes. Water running is very tiring, so take it easy in increasing your time. Experienced athletes can eventually go up to 45 minutes.

4. Add variety, such as intervals (quicker-paced segments interspersed with your normal running). Remember to warm up with easy water running first.

5. Try leg scissors. Put your back against the pool wall and extend your arms to hold onto the sides. Move your legs out to your sides as if you were in a jumping-jack position, with straight knees. Pull both legs together and cross your ankles. Go back to legs to your sides and repeat, alternating the foot that crosses in front.

6. Try leg crossovers. Take the same position as above. Extend your legs straight under you, toward the bottom of the pool. Pull your right leg across your body, with your knee straight, reaching as far as possible toward your left hand. Return to the starting position and switch legs.

7. Strengthen abdominals by back floating, then bringing your body into a "V" position. Straighten out and repeat.

8. Stretch after, as well as before, your workout. You can do this in the water or on land.

Tags: with your, legs your, legs your sides, your arms, your body