Tuesday 23 September 2014

Safely Strengthen Hamstrings After An Injury

Safely Strengthen Hamstrings After an Injury

The hamstring is the muscle in the back part of your leg below the buttocks. It is naturally the weakest muscle in the leg and the most unpredictable in it's recovery from injury. The following steps will explain the safest way to recover and strengthen your hamstring after an injury.


1. Begin the process by applying heat to the strained area daily.

2. Wrap your entire quad and hamstring area semi tightly with a standard ace bandage through out the day while walking and before any exercise.

3. Laying down on your stomach stretch your leg out and slow bring it up as close to your buttocks as possible. Repeat this step nightly

4. Moving forward to resistance training you should start in the squat position with no weights and proceed to go up and down slowly, not deep squating at all. Your legs should only bend about 45 to 50 degrees.

5. Standing in the squat position and holding on, or leaning on a sturdy object try doing half squats with the injured leg.

Tags: After Injury, Hamstrings After, Hamstrings After Injury, Safely Strengthen, Safely Strengthen Hamstrings