Thursday 25 June 2015

Run Correctly On A Treadmill

Cardiovascular exercise is a great way to reduce your risk of heart disease, improve your stamina, lose excess weight or relieve stress. Running is good exercise, but it can be difficult to stay motivated when winter arrives. Running on a treadmill is an excellent alternative to running outside when the weather is poor or the roads are icy. It isn't difficult to learn to use a treadmill, but it can take some practice to get comfortable with the motorized belt.


1. Start out slowly. Don't turn the treadmill onto full speed right away. Instead, set it to just two or three miles per hour while you warm up and get the feel of the machine.

2. Stand up straight. Keeping your feet directly underneath your hips can help you avoid taking a fall.

3. Increase speed gradually. As you find a good pace, increase your speed just half a mile per hour until you are at a steady running pace. At that point you can change the speed to your typical pace.

4. Let go of the handrails. When you are just starting to use a treadmill and the machine is still set at a walking pace, it is alright to lightly rest your fingers on the bars for stability. However, when the speed increases you should let go and move your arms as you would if you were running outside.

5. Increase the incline as you become more comfortable and want to make your workout more challenging. Even an incline of just five will boost the effectiveness of your workout and help replicate the conditions of running outside.

6. Take your time slowing down. Properly cooling down your body is an important step of any cardiovascular workouts. Many modern treadmills incorporate a cool down sequence into training programs, so make sure to complete it.

Tags: running outside, your workout