Friday 26 June 2015

Run Faster For 3 Miles

Running faster requires persistence and training.

In order to excel at running short-distances, fast running training is essential. However, in order to become a fast short-distance runner, you need to train in several different ways, which requires some cross-training and a lot of dedicated effort. The good news is that through persistent and focused training increasing your three-mile run speed is definitely possible.


1. Time yourself and set your speed goal. Run three miles and time how long it takes you to complete the distance. Determine your average pace per mile.

2. Set your speed goal. Once you have your current pace, you can set a three-mile speed goal that can be broken into incremental sub-goals. Sub-goals allow you to monitor your progress toward your final goal while training safely. Adding too much speed too quickly can result in frustrating failure and injury.

3. Weight training is essential in helping you run faster. Focusing on building leg muscles will enable greater force production, which is what will help you propel forward at a faster rate. Develop a weight training program that builds in several types of leg exercises, including jumping exercises, as well as adequate periods of rest for recovery.

4. When running, do not allow your arms to swing back and forth across your chest. Instead, pump them up and down, parallel to one another, as if you're holding one hammer in each hand and striking down with it as your feet hit the ground.

5. Improve your strike rate, which is the rate at which your feet hit the ground on each stride. Your goal is to increase the number of strikes per minute, since shorter, faster strikes are more efficient and lead to faster running. The best running athletes have strike rates of more than 90 strikes per minute.

Tags: speed goal, feet ground, rate which, strikes minute, three-mile speed, training essential