Monday 29 June 2015

Run In Order To Lose Weight

Running will help you lose weight, increase stamina and feel healthier.

If you are attempting to lose weight, the key is to burn more calories than you consume. It takes a deficit of 3,500 calories to lose 1 lb. Accordingly, those seeking to lose 1 lb. a week must eliminate 3,500 calories a week, or 500 calories a day. Running is a cardio exercise that expends calories and promotes weight loss. Running allows a person to burn 100 calories per mile, so a five-mile run can result in 500 calories burned.


1. Begin your running regimen gradually to ensure you do not overwork the body or become frustrated and quit. Start by walking or jogging one to three miles at a moderate speed. If necessary, alternate between jogging for one minute and walking for one minute. Do this until you are able to run for longer periods.

2. Run three or four times a week. Incorporate rest periods between your running days. This ensures your body has adequate time to recover and helps avoid injury.

3. Make changes to your running workout every few weeks. Increase the speed and distance as you become stronger. Changing your workout ensures your body does not become accustomed to the workout, which can result in a stall in your weight loss.

4. Set a goal to keep yourself motivated. Examples of goals include setting a certain time you want to beat, setting a goal distance or preparing for an upcoming race.

Tags: your running, ensures your, ensures your body, lose weight, weight loss, your body