Thursday, 11 June 2015

Measure Your Stride

When performing various home improvement projects, you often use your stride to measure distances. An old-fashioned method? Sure. Useful? You bet. Sometimes you can’t use a tape measure (or plain old forgot it) and if you just need to approximate distances, then learning measure your stride is a helpful skill. For home owners with a fair amount of land, measuring your stride can also be useful for pastures, gardens, and so forth. Once you know the approximate distance of your stride, you might even be able to do away with the tape measure—but only for simple projects! You still want to use specific measurements for complex or precise jobs. Does this Spark an idea?


Measure Your Stride

1. Walk around a bit before measuring your stride. If you start immediately, you might get a false measurement.

2. Measure a specific distance, such as 25 feet. Mark the start and finish points.

3. Stand on the start point and then begin walking at a normal stride. Stop at the end point, counting your steps along the way.

4. Divide the distance walked by the number of steps.

5. Repeat three different times.

6. Add all 3 stride totals, then divide by 3. This is the average length of your stride.

Tags: your stride, Measure Your, measuring your, measuring your stride, tape measure