Thursday 18 June 2015

Pace Yourself Properly During A Marathon

The number-one factor in running a successful marathon is the ability to pace yourself. Follow some simple rules to run your best race ever.


1. Have a realistic understanding of where you are in your running. This will help you to determine a range of pacing times.

2. Be aware that running an even pace is most efficient. The second choice is a negative split (i.e. running the second half of the race quicker than the first half).

3. Learn your numbers. Write your split times on your hand or on a piece of paper tucked into your running shorts if you can't memorize them. Practice race pace in training.

4. Check the race material to learn where split times will be made available.

5. Wear a digital watch, or check the clocks along the course.

6. Be prepared to scale back your pacing plan if the weather is windy or hot, and even more so if it is hot and humid.

7. Err on the side of going too slow rather than too fast, particularly in the early going. You can always make up the time in the later stages.

Tags: split times, your running