The newer garage door openers at 318 MHz are much more secure because they use rolling codes.
The older eight-key switched garage door openers at 300 MHz only had a few hundred permutations of code. The newer garage door openers at 318 MHz are much more secure because they use rolling codes. With a rolling code system, the remote control is pre-programmed at the factory and the door's receiver learns the specific remote's code. Does this Spark an idea?
318 MHz System
1. Look at the remote control garage door opener label and identify the frequency. The frequency will be marked near the model number. If it's a 318 MHz remote control, program it by teaching the garage door receiver the characteristics of the remote.
2. Press the "Learning" button on the garage door receiver. The button will be marked "Learn" or "Learning." The learning light will illuminate.
3. Press the remote control's "Transmit" button--the big button on the remote control that you use to open the garage door--and the receiver will learn and identify the remote control. Thereafter, the remote will open the garage door.
4. Allow the learning mode to terminate and test the remote control by opening and closing the garage door.
300 MHz Systems
5. Take a look at the remote control garage door opener label and identify the frequency. The frequency will be marked near the model number. If it's a 300 MHz remote control, program it by setting the keys on both the receiver and the remote control.
6. Remove the battery cover from the remote control and alter the eight dip switches into a new, arbitrary pattern.
7. Remove the receiver cover in the garage. You may have to refer to your manufacturer's instructions, but often the cover is right in the middle. Match the eight position dip switches to the remote control. They should match exactly. For example, if switches 1 through 4 on the remote are down and 5 through 8 are up, then set the same pattern on the receiver. Replace the cover.
8. Press the remote control's "Transmit" button--the big button on the remote control that you use to open the garage door--and the receiver will identify the remote because its keys match. The remote will open the garage door in the future.
Tags: remote control, garage door, open garage, door openers, door receiver