Most schools require students to write papers using MLA style.
The Modern Language Association created a set of rules for writing papers and citing sources. This set of rules is called MLA style. Most schools require students to write their essays and papers in MLA style. Quotations have specific rules in MLA style, as well. The rules depend on whether you are using a short quote that is four lines or shorter or a quote that is longer than four lines.
1. Type the sentences that lead up to the long quotation. End the last sentence with a colon. Start the quotation on a new line.
2. Change the indentation for the new paragraph. Left indentation should be 1 inch. Type the entire long quotation. Do not use quotation marks.
3. Cite your source for the quotation immediately after the last punctuation in the long quotation. Place the citation in parentheses.
4. Start a new line and remove the 1 inch indentation before continuing the essay.
Tags: long quotation, four lines, Most schools, Most schools require, quote that, require students, require students write