Race walking has been an Olympic event since 1906. On a professional level, race walking is controlled by a set of simple rules that ensure participants are walking rather than running. For the novice, race walking can provide a good way to get in shape that requires little training and very little equipment. Follow these steps to get started.
1. Stand up straight with your head level and your eyes straight ahead. Focus on something about 20 yards ahead of where you are standing. Relax your jaw.
2. Bend your arms 90 degrees at the elbows. Swing your arms loosely from the shoulder. On the return, your arms should be parallel with your body.
3. Move one leg in front of the other, landing your front foot on your heel with your ankle flexed. Your front leg should be straight when it hits the ground.
4. Roll your rear foot forward by pushing off from your toes. Your lead foot should hit the ground before the rear foot loses contact.
5. Keep your body in alignment and your hips facing forward.
Tags: with your, your arms, race walking, rear foot, your body