Trying to raise monies for a non-profit agency is becoming harder and harder. Now a days, you have to be creative to raise the monies
1. Pick a date for your event to take place. You will also need a location for the actual pie presentation to be done. We do it during the Summer festival, they actually let us use the stage to announce our winner.
2. Ask around your community for volunteers for this event. You want to pick the people that are very active in your community and ones that have a great personality. Some examples are: the Mayor, the Superintendent of a school, Principal, Football coach or even the Police Chief. You will need at least 5 people. Make sure they know what they are getting into.
3. Start advertising the event. In your fliers, ads, posters or however you are advertising, be sure to include a ballot for people to submit their choice for who receives the pie in the face. We charge $1.00 per vote. We also send ballots out to the schools if we have a teacher, Principal or football coach etc...
4. We also take votes during the festival: Friday, Saturday and Sunday. We have a poster which we made that shows a big pig receiving a pie in the face at the top. On the bottom we made 5 little pigs and put the participants names on each one (one name per piggy). We then put fun tac or tape on the back of each one and move the pigs up as their votes come in. On Sunday afternoon we take down the poster, but still keep track of the votes. Only our group knows who is winning. This helps to get the other players to vote against each other because they knew where they were, but not where they are now. Some times we make our most monies off the participants.
5. When it is time to announce the winner. We get all 5 participants up on stage and announce who they are and what they do for our community. We then name the third place winner, second and then the first place winner and the recipient of the pie. He/She comes up and sits on the chair we have placed in front. Someone from our group, fill the tin with shaving cream and brings it up to the chair area. The winner of the previous year gets to give the pie to the winner. Be sure to have a few towels for the winner to wipe their face afterward. We then give a certificate of appreciation to all the five participants.
Tags: announce winner, place winner, raise monies, stage announce, what they, where they, your community