Wednesday, 10 June 2015

Recognize Symptoms Of Copd

Chronic Cough: A Symptom of COPD

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is an umbrella term for a broad classification of disorders including emphysema, chronic bronchitis and bronchiectasis. An irreversible process, COPD is characterized by a blockage of the airways that causes a decrease in the flow of air both into, and out, of the lungs. COPD takes on a progressive course that gets worse over time. Although the number one cause of COPD is cigarette smoke, other airway irritants such as secondhand smoke, air pollution and workplace exposure also contribute to its development.The goal of treatment for COPD is to slow the progression of the disease, manage symptoms and improve quality of life. In order to diagnose and then treat COPD, however, you must first be able to recognize COPD symptoms.


1. Be suspicious of a chronic cough. A chronic cough is one that is long-term and doesn't go away. Because people with COPD have an increased amount of mucus in their airways, they develop a cough in an attempt to clear the airways of the excess mucus. A chronic cough is one of the most commonly reported symptoms reported of COPD.

2. Be aware of increased sputum production. Sputum is another word for mucus or phlegm and is a substance produced by the lungs. An increased amount of sputum is many times associated with inflammation of the airways or respiratory infection and often accompanies COPD.

3. Watch out for dyspnea. Dyspnea, or shortness of breath, is a direct result of lack of oxygen in the blood and is the hallmark symptom of COPD. Dyspnea can occur during activity, or at rest.

4. Listen for wheezing. A high-pitched, whistling sound heard during inhalation or exhalation, wheezing is caused by a narrowing or blockage of the airways and is a fairly common symptom of COPD.

5. Be conscious of chest tightness. Tightness in the chest if often described as a feeling of pressure that makes breathing difficult and sometimes painful. Chest tightness is a fairly common symptom associated with respiratory infection and COPD.

Tags: chronic cough, associated with, blockage airways, common symptom, fairly common