Thursday, 11 June 2015

Recover Fast After Child Birth

Baby is sleeping

Childbirth is a physically and psychologically demanding process. You will feel exhausted and extremely sore after childbirth. It is going to take up to weeks for you to completely recover. Below are few tips that may help you to recover faster.


1. Rest a lot. Do nothing except feeding the baby and caring for yourself. Don't worry about household chores. Ask for help from your family or friends to help you with household chores in the first week.

2. Get your husband, boyfriend or partner involved in caring and feeding the baby. In the first few weeks, you need to wake up 3 to 4 times at night to feed your newborn. After breastfeeding, he can help you to change the baby's diaper. You can also pump your breast milk out or prepare formula milk in a bottle and let's your partner feed the baby, while you rest.

3. Be positive and relax. Studies show that a positive attitude after childbirth is associated with faster recover process.

4. Breastfeed your baby. Studies show that breastfeeding helps the uterus to shrink to normal size at a faster rate.

5. Exercise will help you to regain your strength and to relieve some of the stress. A light walk for a few blocks with your baby in the stroller is good for recovery. Try to do that everyday. Don't overexercise. If you are still bleeding, limit walking up and down the stairs.

6. Use an icepack to relieve swelling and pain. You will continue to bleed for few days after coming home from hospital. Ask your doctor for pain medication if you feel the pain is too overwhelming in the first few days. Take stool softeners to avoid constipation.

Tags: after childbirth, feeding baby, household chores, show that, Studies show, Studies show that