Thursday, 11 June 2015

Recover From A Breakup

Take your break-up as an opportunity for change.

A relationship break-up can be one of the most difficult experiences of a lifetime. When a couple invests a lot of time and emotion in each other, adjusting to the drastic change in lifestyle can be a shock. If you are devastated by the end of your relationship and feel like you will never be the same again, you need to focus on recovering and getting your life back on track.


1. Take a time-out. Even if you feel guilty about it, realize that a short break will do wonders for your well-being and mental health. Take a couple days off from work or school to collect your thoughts and be alone. A little bit of distraction-free solitude will help you process what has happened and begin the journey of moving forward and recovering.

2. Release your emotions. When you are experiencing turmoil, allowing your feelings to boil inside of you can be unhealthy. Acknowledge and identify the break-up situation and give yourself permission to feel as sad as you want for a short period of time (no longer than a few days). Listen to miserable songs of love gone awry. Cry in your sheets as you fall asleep at night. Chronicle your heartache in a journal.

3. Improve your life. Turn a negative into a positive and take your break-up as an opportunity to seize life. Work your way to a healthier you by beginning an exercise regimen at a local gym. Take up a new hobby that has always interested you, such as cooking or marathon running. Go back to school to get a degree in a totally new field.

4. Abstain from neglecting your body. When you are depressed, it can be easy to fall into bad habits due to feeling sorry for yourself. You may not want to get off the sofa or stop eating, or you may not eat at all or get any sleep. Stay away from all of these pitfalls by understanding that they will worsen your state of mind. Get sufficient sleep. Maintain your grooming and hygiene. Eat a nutritious and properly balanced diet.

5. Confide in someone. Chances are, someone you care about has been through a tough break-up and come out of it a better and stronger person. Talk to a close friend or family member who can provide you with some perspective and sound advice on maintain focus and keep chugging on. Realizing that you are not the only one who has ever felt this way can help give you the courage you need to stay on track.

6. Get social. A break-up can be a fun chance to get out and socialize with people. You never know what mysterious new stranger may enter your life. Attend social events in your area, such as film festivals and arts and crafts fairs. Go to parties to socialize with friends. Hang out at art exhibits and poetry readings to meet like-minded individuals.

Tags: your life, break-up opportunity, socialize with, your break-up, your break-up opportunity