Thursday, 11 June 2015

Recover From Labor And Delivery

Recover From Labor and Delivery

Labor and delivery is a life changing experience for the new mother. In addition to having to take care of a new baby after labor and delivery, you also have to take care of yourself. Recovery from labor and delivery can be difficult, but there are ways to make it easier. Here's what you can do.


1. Rest as much as possible. Labor and delivery can be a very trying and difficult experience. Sleeping when your baby sleeps and sleeping as much as you can at night will help you gain your strength back. Some doctors may prescribe a sleep aid to help you sleep better.

2. Drink fluids and eat nutritious foods to get your energy back after labor and delivery. Plenty of fluids, such as water, will help prevent dehydration.

3. Use stool softeners if you are having trouble with bowel movements. Drink more water, it can also help you go to the bathroom more effectively.

4. Take pain medication to help with sore muscles or with the contractions of your uterus that are common after labor delivery. Clear the pain medication with your doctor if you are nursing.

5. Help your episiotomy heal. If you received an episiotomy, ice packs, a sitz bath or pain medication can help you feel better. Follow your doctors instructions on what to do.

6. Treat breast engorgement. Breast engorgement as your breast milk comes in can be very painful. Ice packs, warm showers and warm compresses placed on the breasts can help you feel better.

7. Limit strenuous activity after labor and delivery. This includes exercise, sexual intercourse and heavy lifting. Follow your doctors instructions on how long strenuous activity should be limited.

Tags: after labor, after labor delivery, pain medication, doctors instructions, feel better