Tuesday 16 June 2015

Refuel Your Natural Gas Car At Home

Natural gas vehicles use compressed natural gas (CNG) as a fuel. DriveClean.ca.gov, a website on clean fuels provided by the state of California, estimates that CNG vehicles produce approximately "20 percent fewer greenhouse gas emissions than gasoline powered cars." By installing a home CNG-refueling unit at your home, you can refuel your natural gas vehicle overnight, while you sleep. Home CNG-refueling units draw natural gas from your home gas line and compress it for use in your vehicle's fuel tank. The price to fuel your natural gas car is dependent on the rates your gas company charges you for natural gas to your home, which is generally cheaper per gallon than the price of gasoline.


1. Purchase a home CNG-refueling unit. Call the manufacturer of your car and ask a representative to direct you to a home CNG-refueling unit seller, if you do not know where to purchase one.

2. Get a permit from your local city building and code department to install the refueling unit at your home.

3. Call your gas company and inquire if you need to submit a letter of notification that you intend to install a home CNG-refueling unit at your home. Some gas companies require this; others do not.

4. Have your gas company or a repair person licensed to install gas appliances install the home CNG-refueling unit in your garage or outside your home.

5. Turn your car engine off and remove the key from the ignition before attempting to refuel it.

6. Open your car fuel refill door.

7. Place the refueling unit fuel nozzle inside your car refill opening. Push the nozzle firmly until it is securely in place inside the opening. The refueling unit will not fill your car's fuel tank if the nozzle is not correctly into place.

8. Press the "Start" button on the home CNC-refueling unit to start refueling your car. Such units are equipped with an automatic shut-off. The refueling unit automatically turns off and stops fueling the car once the car's fuel tank is full. Depending on your refueling unit model, it takes approximately eight to 10 hours to completely fill your tank.

9. Remove the refueling unit's nozzle from your car and close your car fuel refill door.

Tags: refueling unit, your home, CNG-refueling unit, home CNG-refueling, home CNG-refueling unit