Wednesday 17 June 2015

Remove An Oakley Lens

A few models of Oakley sunglasses feature removable lenses, making replacement and repair a cinch. Because these models are intended for use during sports or work the lenses are more likely to be damaged, even though the frames may be left intact. Replacement lenses are sold on-line, at Oakley stores, and at other retailers carrying the Oakley brand. You may also want to change out your lenses for alternates of a different color or style. The following Oakley styles are designed with easily removed replaceable lenses: Half Jackets, Flak Jackets, all Radar frames, and the M-Frame. Does this Spark an idea?


Flak Jacket Frames

1. Hold glasses in both hands, lens bottoms facing up, with the index finger of one hand grasping the nose bridge and the thumb placed on the top of the frame.

2. Gently pull against the nose bridge and the bottom of the frame, simultaneously.

3. Pull the lens out of the frame with your other hand and repeat on the opposite side.

Half Jacket Frames

4. Hold glasses with the lens bottoms facing down, with one hand hooked around the nose bridge.

5. Grip one lens with the opposite hand and pull gently in opposite directions.

6. Pull the lens completely out and repeat on the opposite side.

Radar and M-Frames

7. Hold frame with lenses facing you and the bottom of the lens pointing down.

8. With both thumbs, pinch the nose bridge and push it behind the lens until it completely detaches from the lens.

9. Pull the lens out completely.

Tags: nose bridge, Pull lens, bottoms facing, frame with, Frames Hold, Frames Hold glasses, Hold glasses