Fundraisers are a popular method many organizations use to reach financial goals. Your group might need money for maintenance costs, a special trip, uniforms or some type of equipment or supplies. Selecting something to sell or a service that everyone in the group is enthusiastic about, will help to ensure a more successful fundraiser. The key is to be organized and to have active participation from all group members.
1. Meet as a group to vote on a coordinator. If the group is large, you might need a couple of members to coordinate and organize the activity. After the coordinator researches and provides suggestions for the fundraiser, plan a date to meet again as a group.
2. Select three potential fundraiser ideas in different categories for the group to choose from. Request an item catalog if the group is going to sell items, such as candy bars or wrapping paper. Make a list of potential tasks for a service activity or homemade items sale.
For example, rules regarding selling baked goods or having a tent sale will need to be investigated. A location for the event or service activity (such as a car wash) will need to be chosen.
3. Decide what the money will be used for when the fundraiser is complete. With this in mind, set a target goal and deadline.
4. Meet as a group and discuss the ideas (from step 2). Vote on which activity to do. Organize the group based on individual skills and talents. Set up sub-goals and deadlines.
5. Execute the fundraiser during the set date to meet the goal deadline. The coordinator should make certain the final tasks are completed.
6. Meet as a group to evaluate the fundraiser and discuss possible improvements for future events. Celebrate your success and enjoy the money you earned as a group.
Tags: Meet group, date meet, goal deadline, might need, service activity, will need