Monday, 8 June 2015

Raise Money For A Fundraising Event

Fundraising events give community businesses a chance to help their community.

Fundraising events attempt to generate money for a particular cause and these events can entail large hosting responsibilities. Fundraising is never free and often the most difficult challenge in raising money for a worthy cause is raising enough money to host your own event. You have resources at your disposal, people who may be willing to help you raise the money or help in other unique ways. Approaching people in your community for help can be an intimidating task, but you can take a few steps to help you accomplish your task.


1. Prepare an information sheet about your cause that identifies the purpose of your fundraiser and where the money will go. Include information about your cause, such as the severity of the issue and any important local statistics. For instance, if you are preparing a fundraiser to raise money for breast cancer research, include the name of the research institute where you will send the money, the percentage of the money that will go to them and statistics about breast cancer and patients in your community.

2. Establish a set price for sponsorship. Itemize the cost of hosting your fundraiser and determine exactly how much the event will cost you. Divide this cost by the number of companies that you hope to see invest in your event and request this price for sponsorship.

3. Visit companies and organizations in your community. Give them a copy of your information and tell them about your intentions. Also, tell them about any advertising options that you have available during your fundraiser, such as supporters' company names on T-shirts, banners or newspaper advertisements.

4. Contact those companies and organizations after a week and ask them if they will be interested in sponsoring your fundraiser. Be respectfully aggressive if you sense that they are on the fence, such as calling them more often or visiting their company again, but always remain respectful when speaking to them.

5. Provide an alternate way for companies to support your fundraiser. Make a list of other essentials, such as a location to host your event, food that you can serve at your event or drinks, if your event will be outside or involve an activity like a marathon. Offer companies the opportunity to support your event by providing these essentials. For instance, you can offer a local restaurant the opportunity to provide sandwiches to your event participants, giving them exposure in their community and cutting your fundraising costs.

Tags: your event, your fundraiser, about your, your community, about your cause, breast cancer