Tuesday 16 June 2015

Reduce Your Weight By Walking

Walking has numerous health benefits.

Walking is one of the easiest, most convenient forms of aerobic activity. It is low-impact, requires no special equipment other than a comfortable pair of shoes, and can be done indoors or outdoors. Walking routines can be adjusted to a variety of fitness levels. Walking regularly can help you lose weight, reduce stress, control diabetes and cholesterol, and improve heart health, according to Mayo Clinic. A few simple techniques can help you get the most out of your walking routine.


1. Start out slowly if you haven't exercised in a while or tire easily, suggests the Mayo Clinic. Walk only as far and as fast as you feel comfortable with at first. Commit to doing this regularly, and gradually increase your time and distance as your fitness level increases. For example, walk for five minutes a day. When this begins to feel comfortable, add another five minutes until you can walk for at least 30 minutes a day.

2. Warm up and cool down during every workout. Walk slowly for five minutes before and after each workout to loosen joints and muscles. Follow this by gently stretching all your muscle groups. Warming up and cooling down are important steps in preventing muscle soreness and reducing the risk of injury.

3. Push yourself. To get the most benefit out of walking, you need to raise your heart rate. A good rule of thumb, according to "Good Housekeeping", is to walk fast enough to carry on a conversation, but not too fast that you can't say a few words.

4. Use your arms. "Good Housekeeping's" website recommends bending your arms at a 90-degree angle and pumping them back and forth while walking to help you propel yourself forward faster and burn more calories.

5. Add hills. Walking on an incline challenges your muscles, helping you burn more calories. Choose an outdoor walking route with hills, or raise the incline level if you are walking on a treadmill.

6. Add intervals. Intervals are short bursts of speed incorporated into your workouts that help you burn more calories in the same amount of time. For example, after warming up, walk at a brisk pace for one minute, then walk as fast as you can for one minute. Continue to alternate between these two speeds until you are ready to cool down.

7. Be consistent. In order to lose weight by walking, you must commit to walking regularly. For most people, this means working up to an hour of walking most days of the week. Also, to avoid hitting a plateau, keep your muscles challenged by continuing to vary your routine and increase its intensity.

8. Watch calories and portion sizes. Don't allow these to creep up because you are working out. The Mayo Clinic advises keeping your daily calories above 1,200 to avoid feeling too hungry. Talk to your doctor, a nutritionist or use an online tool to determine how many calories you will need daily to lose weight. Try to meet these needs with healthy foods, such as fresh fruits and vegetables, lean proteins and whole grains, to properly fuel your body for workouts.

Tags: burn more, burn more calories, five minutes, lose weight, Mayo Clinic