Tuesday 16 June 2015

Rehydrate After Exercise

Rehydrate to get the most benefit from exercise.

No matter what your preferred form of exercise is, one of the most important elements for success is not in the activity itself but in how you recover. Specifically, being careful to rehydrate after bouts of exercise is essential. Rehydration entails more than merely drinking water or a sports drink; for optimal recovery it must be well thought-out and planned. Once your body becomes depleted you are at a higher risk of injury and illness. Learning rehydrate properly is key to your health and continued success.


1. Weigh yourself on a scale before you begin an exercise activity.

2. Track the time spent on your exercise activity with a timing device such as a stopwatch. Having a rough idea of how much weight is lost during a set period of time exercising will eliminate the need to weigh yourself before and after every bout of activity.

3. Weigh yourself after finishing the activity on the same scale used previously. Subtract the post-exercise number from the pre-exercise number to get the number of pounds lost during exercise.

4. Begin rehydrating within 30 minutes post-exercise.

5. Drink 16 ounces of fluids for every pound lost. For example, if you lose three pounds within 60 minutes of exercise you would need to drink 48 ounces of fluids following exercise.

Tags: exercise activity, lost during, ounces fluids, Weigh yourself, within minutes