Tuesday 16 June 2015

Rehydrate Cod

Dried, Salted Cod

Dried, salted cod is used in traditional dishes of many nations. Historically, preserved cod was an important food source, and many beloved regional dishes still use this ingredient. New methods of preservation haven't affected its popularity, because the deep flavor and distinct texture of this fish product is only achieved through drying. If you want to try dried cod, there are a couple of extra steps involved, and the process should be done at least 24 hours before you plan on using it. Add this to my Recipe Box.


1. Review the instructions for the dried, salted cod you've purchased. Manufacturers prepare their cod differently, so soaking times will vary.

2. Prepare the fish by rinsing off any loose salt with cold running water.

3. Immerse the cod in cold water in a large bowl. Using enough water in the process is important, so don't crowd the fish. It's better to use two bowls if you don't have one that's large enough.

4. Cover the bowl with a tight fitting lid. A lid is better than plastic wrap or aluminum foil because the fish aroma can escape to your refrigerator quickly.

5. Keep the bowl in an accessible spot. As the fish needs to soak for a day to a day and a half, you will be making frequent water changes, don't bury the bowl behind the chili or soda.

6. Change the fish water every 4 to 6 hours. The instructions may give you additional or different directions on how often to change the water; use the manufacturer's recommendations.

7. Rotate the fish and flip the fillets or chunks at least once during the soaking process.

8. Taste the fish for doneness after 24 hours, or the amount of time recommended by the manufacturer. Pinch off a small piece from a corner, preferably not a tip. The fish should be chewy and taste a little bit salty. If it's still very salty or tough, change the water one more time and check again in 4 to 6 hours.

9. Check the rehydrated cod for bones and pieces of skin. Remove and process the cod according to the directions for the recipe you will be using.

Tags: change water