Tuesday 16 June 2015

Rehydrate After A Marathon

Everyone knows that if you participate in a marathon, it takes a lot out of you. This is the reason that people train months in advance before they enter a marathon. During a marathon, due to sweat, you are going to suffer significant water loss. It is important that you plan to rehydrate after a marathon.


1. Walk for awhile after the marathon is over. You want to have fluids nearby, ready for consumption.

2. Drink fluids that are cool. It is not recommended that you drink hot fluids unless there is a possibility that you are suffering from hypothermia.

3. Stick with sports drinks. Sports drinks replace the electrolytes that you lost during the marathon run.

4. Drink at least 8 ounces of fluids every 2 hours for the next 24 hours after your run. Sports drinks and water are both acceptable choices for rehydration.

5. Eat a meal that is full of carbohydrates. Many runners will carb load before and after a marathon race. Meals that include items like bananas, raisins and toast are ideal for marathon recovery. You should also eat foods high in protein to get your energy back and rehydrate the body.

6. Stay away from fluids that contain alcohol and caffeine. They act as a diuretic and will not help you rehydrate after the marathon.

Tags: after marathon, after marathon, fluids that, rehydrate after, rehydrate after marathon