Monday, 8 June 2015

Raise Money For Golf Outing Fundraisers

In June 2011, country music superstar Toby Keith raised more than $650,000 for a children's cancer organization. Organize your own golf outing to raise funds for a good cause; while you may not have the star power of a celebrity, you can still bring in funds with your efforts. Incorporate multiple sources of revenue into your fundraiser including participation fees, sponsorships and on-site sales to maximize your income while giving participants an enjoyable experience.


1. Charge a a fee to participate in the golf outing. This can take the form of a registration fee, or alternatively you can ask participants to collect pledges in order to take part in the event. entry fees can be charged per person or per team.

2. Seek out sponsors to sponsor each hole of the tournament. In exchange for their sponsorship you can offer he sponsor the rights to promote the business on the particular hole that they are sponsoring. For example, you can place their logo on the flag for the hole and allow them to place promotional materials such as banners and signs on he hole. Be sure to include the sponsors in the program and other materials.

3. Sell raffle tickets during the tournament. Send someone around the course throughout the tournament to sell 50/50 tickets. Hold a draw at the end of the tournament and award 50 percent of the money brought in to the winner of the raffle. Alternatively you can raffle off gold related merchandise such as golf bags, balls and clubs.

4. Sell "mulligans." A mulligan, in golf, is the ability to retake a shot. For a set price, allow any player to retake her shot.

5. Sell food and merchandise. With the permission of the golf course, sell foods and beverages to participants. Sell sandwiches, cookies and plenty of cold beverages to quench their thirst on a warm day. Also set up a booth to sell t-shirts, caps and other tournament merchandise.

Tags: golf outing, retake shot