Wednesday 17 June 2015

Remain Injury Free While Training For A Marathon

Running a marathon

When training for a marathon, injuries are to be expected along the way. After all, the first human being who ran a marathon died from the strain of it. The question, then, is how severe the injuries will be that are sustained during training. The key to successfully training for a marathon is to remain injury free (at least free from major injuries) while simultaneously building up ability, peaking just in time to run the marathon.


1. Make sure you have the right shoes. Whether training or running an actual marathon, running shoes are crucial to remaining injury free. Make sure that your shoes fit properly, provide adequate support and cushioning, and stay frictionless on your skin while you're running.

2. Write down a running schedule and stick to it. One mistake that beginners make while training for a marathon is to approach the situation without a solid plan. It's important to implement a training schedule, which should begin several months before the marathon and end just a few days before it, and to stick to that schedule doggedly.

3. Run no farther than 17 or 18 miles while training. Many people who are training for a marathon make the mistake of trying to work their way up to running the full 26.2 miles during each training session. In reality, this is a terrible idea because it will only invite injuries and lower the odds of successfully completing the actual marathon.

4. Stay hydrated. Those who are undergoing serious training sessions for a marathon will lose large amounts of water while sweating. It's important to make sure that you drink enough water and eat a healthy diet to keep your electrolytes in balance and to avoid heat exhaustion.

5. Be gradual in your approach. If you haven't done much long-distance running before, your first marathon training runs should be no more than a couple of miles. Gradually increase that distance until you've worked your way up to 17 or 18 miles, just before the actual marathon.

Tags: actual marathon, training marathon, Make sure, sure that