Monday 20 July 2015

Prepare A First Aid Kit For A Camping Trip

Prepare a First Aid Kit for a Camping Trip

Going camping with the family can be a rewarding experience providing an abundance of memories that will be treasured for years to come. Before you set off on your camping trip, there is something you should pack along with your other camping equipment--a first aid kit. Accidents can happen, and you need to be prepared to face any mishap that occurs to a family member. Here are some items you should include in your first aid kit.


1. Purchase a shoebox-size plastic container with an airtight lid. This will serve as your first aid kit. You can buy a container at any discount dollar store.

2. Pack gauze and band-aids. When hiking in the woods, it's easy to get cuts and scrapes. Kids are constantly running, jumping, and exploring whenever they go outdoors. Make sure you have band-aids to cover up those boo-boos when they fall and scrape a knee.

3. Include antibiotic cream or a bottle of hydrogen peroxide so that any minor cuts don't get infected. Sometimes you can get hydrogen peroxide in convenient wipes--instead of lugging a bottle around in the first aid kit.

4. Throw in some anti-diarrhea medicine. There's nothing worse than being in the wilderness when your stomach is rebelling. Also include Pepto-Bismol. If you do not wish to carry the bottle with you, Pepto-Bismol comes chewable tablets, too. The chewable tablets might be more convenient for camping.

5. Take a pair of tweezers and some scissors along. Tweezers will help you remove splinters, ticks, or bee stingers, while scissors are necessary to cut gauze bandages.

6. Bring a thermometer and Ibuprofen to diagnose or treat fevers and headaches. Include a cold compress to treat bumps or bruises.

7. Put a bottle of sunscreen in your first aid kit . Being in the sun all day can lead to painful sunburns if you are not suitably protected from UV rays. Make sure your family slathers sunscreen onto any exposed skin before you head out on your camping trip. Did someone forget to put sunscreen on and now he has a sunburn? If you have an anti-sunburn spray, you can lessen the discomfort.

8. Place a few bottles of hand sanitizer in the kit. Use it to clean your hands before treating an injury.

Tags: your first, chewable tablets, First Camping, First Camping Trip, hydrogen peroxide