Tuesday 7 July 2015

Set Up A Personal Trainer Home Business In Canada

Set Up a Personal Trainer Home Business in Canada

According to Start a Personal Trainer Business, if you own your own personal trainer business you can earn approximately £100,000 a year. After you gain your certification you can train clients at local fitness centers or inside the privacy of the client's home. If you keep your fees competitive, around £35 to £50 an hour, you can build a solid clientele register.


Start Working as a Personal Trainer

1. Get certified. Contact organizations that offer personal trainer certification programs such as the Canadian Association of Fitness Professionals, Humber College, Mount Royal College, Simon Fraser University or the Stott Pilates International Certification Centre. Speak with the school administrator to see if you are eligible to receive financial aid. Pass the examination at the end of the training to become a certified personal trainer.

2. Stay fit. Work out regularly. Remain in shape to present a professional and credible appearance. Remember that your own physique is one of your most effective business marketing tools.

3. Intern and gain experience by working with a recognizable gym such as Gold's Gym, Bally's Fitness or Good Life Fitness Clubs. Learn the art of connecting with clients, helping people meet their fitness goals and assisting athletes with muscle relaxation and healthy eating.

4. Get insurance. Contact reputable insurance companies. Start your search with firms that specialize in providing coverage for personal trainers like those listed in the IDEA Health and Fitness Association. Discuss pricing and types of coverage. Ensure that you get, at a minimum, sufficient professional liability insurance.

5. Develop a business plan. Study the market and create a thorough business plan. Include a line item budget in your business plan. Provide information on your management team, business location and specific marketing initiatives. Write up detailed information on other personal trainers and gyms in your area, including their fees, days and hours of operation and clientele demographics.

6. Market your business. Join fitness directories such as the National Register of Personal Trainers, Skills Active and the Register of Exercise Professionals. Partner with a professional website designer and create an interactive website. Provide your contact information and work hours on each page of your website.

Tags: business plan, Personal Trainer, Business Canada, Home Business, Home Business Canada, personal trainer