Thursday 2 July 2015

Run With Super Flat Shoes

Run With Super Flat Shoes

Recent research shows that cushioned shoes are not preventing injury in runners. Barefoot can be better for the human body. Super flat shoes, such as Vibram's Five Fingers shoes, have little or no sole cushioning. In flat shoes, the heel retains more shock when the foot hits the ground, so runners must adjust the way they run to avoid hurting their heels. A straightforward way to run with super flat shoes is strange and even uncomfortable at first, as the method involves different muscle groups. But after some practice, this method will feel natural and can help keep your feet healthy.


1. Stand erect, prepared to run, with your forearms at your sides and your hands in fists.

2. Lean forward slightly and take a small step. Take a small smaller than you normally would for walking, let alone running. Notice how your foot comes straight down. Not your heel first or your toes, but the entire sole of your foot. This is how your feet should land on the ground in every step you take while running in super flat shoes.

3. Take another small step and begin jogging, taking small steps all the while. Use your momentum and strength to increase speed but not the length of your stride. Your stride should always remain smaller than when you ran with cushioned shoes.

4. Keep your spine erect as you run forward. Do not lean forward, which causes you to take a longer stride.

Tags: cushioned shoes, flat shoes, small step, smaller than, Super Flat, With Super Flat