Tuesday 7 July 2015

Set Five Year Goals

Goal-setting is a powerful force and motivator that can help raise your self-esteem. When you know what you want to achieve, you'll know where to concentrate your efforts. Setting goals also will help you recognize and ignore distractions that may otherwise have led you from your path. By setting five-year goals, you will be able to measure your achievements and see the bigger picture. As you reach each milestone, your confidence and positive outlook will increase.


1. Think about the big picture. Decide what you want to achieve during your life and write down your "life goals." Establish categories such as "Career," "Health," "Financial" and "Family" to help guide you.

2. Break down your life goals into smaller, more manageable five-year goals. These will be goals you need to accomplish to ultimately attain your lifetime goals.

3. Go one step further and break down your five-year goals into one-year, six-month, two-week and one-day goals. The more smaller, attainable goals you can accomplish along the way, the more motivated you will be to stick to your five-year plan.

4. Write down the goals. Be precise and positive. Think of performance goals as opposed to outcome goals. Make sure the goals are dependent on things you have control over. For example, when setting a goal, be more precise than simply saying you want to win a state championship in football. Set the performance goal of how well you will need to play or how many touchdowns you will need to throw to win the championship. Be realistic and certain these are goals you want to achieve and not goals foisted on you by such factors as family, bosses and the media.

5. Evaluate your goals using the mnemonic SMART: Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, Time-bound. For instance, instead of your goal being, "Get my PhD," use the SMART mnemonic to focus the goal. It may be rephrased as, "Earn my PhD by January 1, 2016."

6. Set up rewards for yourself redeemable upon completion of important goals. Make "To Do" lists to keep yourself motivated on a daily basis. Take time to enjoy the sense of satisfaction as you reach each milestone.

Tags: down your, five-year goals, want achieve, your life, down your life, each milestone, goals into